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Oklahoma Voters "Just Say No" to Legal Weed in Special Election

Yesterday, Oklahoma's conservative heartland delivered a powerful statement against marijuana legalization. In Tuesday's special election, voters in the state overwhelmingly voted down an adult-use measure for recreational cannabis consumption.

Tuesday’s failed attempt to legalize recreational marijuana in Oklahoma comes after its legalization succeeded in Missouri last November, while similar measures missed the mark late last year in Arkansas and the Dakotas. The green light has been turned on for cannabis consumers across Missouri who now have access to adult-use sales.

Oklahoma voters painted a decisive picture against the measure on Election Day, with an impressive showing from both rural and urban areas - despite reports of low turnout, only about 25% of Oklahoma voters.

In the Oklahoma special election, a mere 13,851 voters placed their ballots absentee ballots compared to 71,000 in November's general election. Furthermore, the 34,403 early votes consisted primarily of voters who rejected the measure, a staggering 21 849.