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What Research Says About CBD Oil for Anxiety

Chronic Staff | March 10, 2022

If there's one thing research is good at is that it's a landmine for motivation. Research reaches the deepest trenches along with the facts to back it up. Well, that must be the reason research exists; it's because we know how terrible misinformation is - especially if it involves endangering the lives of every living thing.

In retrospect, past studies proved the efficacy of Marijuana in treating several disorders - PTSD, Parkinson's, Insomnia, etc., which opened a fresh avenue for a more lenient and progressive approach to Marijuana applications. This applied science benefits the patients and stuns the dissent surrounding Pot.

In a level playing field for medical alternatives, does Marijuana and its non-psychoactive component, CBD, hold a likelihood as an anxiety suppressor?

CBD Medical History

Cannabidiol or CBD is the second prevalent cannabinoid in the Cannabis sativa plant after delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, unlike THC, CBD does not make you high. CBD is also one of the hundreds of naturally occurring phytocannabinoids present in the Cannabis sativa plant has gained a great deal of interest in recent years from scientific groups, politicians, and mainstream media outlets.

This can be noticed nowadays since many unsanctioned CBD products are available in different nations, including the United Kingdom, ranging from oils and capsules to chewing gums, mints, soft drinks, and candies.

CBD's sudden popularity can be explained in part by a rising number of pre-clinical and clinical research revealing a variety of possible health advantages. However, public interest in the issue is equally important.

According to research, CBD may aid with mental health symptoms and neurological problems such as experimentally produced anxiety, generalized social anxiety disorder, social phobia, and illnesses such as PTSD, schizophrenia, addiction, and epilepsy.

Along with the abovementioned mental difficulties, those are also frequently co-morbid and involve symptoms that CBD may aid with, such as sleep and poor cognition. There is also evidence that CBD, alone or in combination with THC, may help treat neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, as well as chronic pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia.

Furthermore, CBD, marketed under the brand name Epidiolex, has been licensed by health authorities in over 30 countries to treat two severe types of treatment-resistant pediatric epilepsy. A sublingual spray containing an equal quantity of THC and CBD, Sativex is also authorized in more than 30 countries to treat multiple sclerosis.

Clinical Findings of CBD

First, pre-clinical animal studies demonstrate that low to medium doses of CBD reduce anxiety, but large dosages intensify anxiety. Moreover, animal studies further show that CBD's anxiety-relieving effects are mediated through the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A. While this research indicates persuasive evidence for CBD as an anxiety medication in general, the researchers point out that these trials were only done on male animals.

Following that trial, clinical research on individuals with social anxiety disorder discovered anxiety-reducing benefits with single doses of 400 or 600 mg of CBD. These dosages were observed to minimize anxiety symptoms, cognitive impairment, and discomfort related to speech performance during a public speaking simulation exercise.

A series of brain imaging studies also demonstrated that CBD consumption changes blood flow in the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and cingulate cortex – four brain areas linked to anxiety.

So what does that say about CBD?

Wright is a doctorate student at the University of Toronto and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Wright and her colleagues examined the most recent data from pre-clinical and clinical trials to provide insight into CBD's possible involvement in treating anxiety.

And they found out that:

"The primary lesson from our study is that preliminary evidence suggests that CBD may alleviate anxiety in healthy volunteers," Wright said. "Animal studies have yielded encouraging findings, indicating that CBD may reduce anxiety, tension, panic, and compulsive-like behaviors."

"Preliminary data from human research suggests that CBD may lower anxiety in both healthy volunteers and patients suffering from a social anxiety disorder." It is critical to note that this evidence is preliminary and that more study is necessary," he added.

Wright also stressed that: "There are numerous problems that still need to be addressed and properly explored, because the only human studies exploring CBD as a therapy for anxiety have been undertaken in individuals with social anxiety disorder, research in patients with other anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, is required." Second, much remains unclear regarding the use of CBD as an anxiety medication, such as the most effective method of administration, optimum dosages, and long-term safety and efficacy."

CBD Side Effects

There are no major negative side effects like death or something like it. However, the kicker to side effects vary from a large demographic. Some reported effects were:

  • Dry mouth

  • Lethargy

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Upset stomach

  • Fast heartbeat

  • Diarrhea

  • Headache

  • Psychotic symptoms

  • Sexual issues

  • Difficulty focusing

There have been no complaints of vomiting, fainting, liver issues (increased liver enzymes in blood tests), or seizures.


The aggressive burgeoning of CBD as an alternative to suppressing anxiety and relevant disorders has been backed up by several studies - including what we've mentioned above. But as a general notice, everyone is different, and be cautious in purchasing CBD products. Always look for a legitimate score and consult your physician if you have experienced any adverse effects.


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