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New Research Suggests Link Between Cannabis and Heart Attacks

By Hunter Dublin | May 12, 2022

The researchers found that people who use marijuana regularly are at an increased risk for heart attacks. They say this may be due to THC's ability to trigger inflammation in blood vessel cells, which can cause complications like clogged arteries or stroke symptoms - especially if you're already prone towards high cholesterol rates.

The new study analyzed data from around 500,000 people and found that 35% of those who used marijuana more than once per month were at a much higher risk of having a heart attack before age 50. The researchers controlled for age as well as gender or body weight to see if there was any relationship between these two factors alone but still discovered an association between smoking weed regularly and getting cardiovascular and hypertension problems later down the line- even after controlling everything else.

The final part of our research was an investigation to find molecules that could block the pro-inflammatory properties without interrupting psychoactive effects. The main action THC has, as mentioned in CB1 receptors can be blocked by certain substances with similarities like structure and function.

The researchers found that genistein, a naturally occurring substance in soybeans and not effectively crossing the blood-brain barrier could possibly block THC’s inflammatory effects on endothelial cells while still enjoying psychoactive properties of marijuana.

Subsequently, some mouse research papers verified their hypothesis showing this with no disruption to central nervous system function despite high doses being taken by animals treated digitally via injections or orally; these findings were encouraging considering many people who smoke pot have reported feeling inflammation after consuming too much weed.

The researchers found that genistein does not block the normal pain-killers or sedating effects of THC, which could make it more useful as a medicinal marijuana ingredient. It is also unlikely to cause adverse side effects like those caused by other CB1 antagonists because 99% of this plant's impact stays outside your brain.

Also, research has shown that CBD, another key cannabinoid found in marijuana can counter the potential cardiovascular effects of THC. The researchers also indicate a clinical trial is needed to explore this further and determine how it may affect users as well as their risk for heart problems or other illness such as diabetes.

The negative psychiatric effects of marijuana are increasingly being studied. Recent research suggests that the newer, more potent strains contain higher levels THC which may lead to adverse mental health issues over time if not balanced with CBD-rich plants like those found in medical cannabis dispensaries or prescribed by doctors during treatment sessions.

The authors of this study are warning medical and recreational marijuana users to be aware that there may be potentially harmful effects on their cardiovascular system. Future research should focus in trying mitigate these adverse outcomes, said Joseph Wu senior author.


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