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Maryland Marks Its Launch of a Pro-legalization Cannabis Campaign for Adult Use.

by Hunter Dublin | September 21, 2022

On Thursday, supporters of the November ballot initiative to legalize cannabis for adults in Maryland began a campaign. A website and a video were released on Thursday as part of the Yes on 4 drive.

Eugene Monroe, a former National Football League player who is now a cannabis entrepreneur, is the campaign's chairman.

Monroe states in a statement on the campaign website that "passing Question 4 will put a stop to the failed criminalization of cannabis, create a well-regulated legal marijuana market-oriented around equity, and open up new avenues for local entrepreneurs and small business owners." "I hope every Marylander will support Question 4 in the upcoming election."

The issue's inclusion on the November ballots was authorized by state lawmakers in April. Beginning July 1, 2023, residents of Maryland 21 years old and above will be able to legally purchase up to 1.5 ounces of cannabis and grow two cannabis plants.

The medical cannabis business Trulieve, which contributed $50,000, is the primary source of the campaign's early funding, according to election finance records provided by the Washington Post. The only other donation named, Blended Public Affairs contributed $100.


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